Fun to say But Difficult to pronounce!

Salut La Compagnie!

A few years back, I asked my students & social media followers to give me French words that are hard to pronounce for non-native French speakers and I received a pretty good list of words.

Since French pronunciation can be really painful, I thought a little game could help you. Let's play a listening comprehension game to check if you have a good ear. In the video below, you will listen to some of my students who have accepted to say 3 words that are hard to pronounce in French. Can you guess what word they are saying?

Get out a pen and paper and write your answers.


The Correct Pronunciation

Before revealing the answers, let me give you the correct pronunciation of each. After that, check the list of words to see if you've got one, two, five or all of them correct. Don't worry about your spelling.

Aurélie D.

Bonjour! It’s me Aurlie! I’m a French teacher from France and I’ve been teaching French for over 5 years online and offline.

Top 5 Destinations To Practice Your French.


Learning French Can Be life-changing