6 reasons why French conversation is so crucial
Salut la compagnie!
Conversation in French can be pretty tricky, or baffling, or even scary for you. Let’s turn that into a very positive experience. I have found 6 great reasons why it's so important to boost your conversation skills in French.
1) Conversation
Yes! Conversation in French can be pretty tricky, or baffling, or even scary for you. Let’s turn that into a very positive experience.I have found 6 great reasons why it's so important to boost your conversation skills in French.
2) You Practice 2 skills at the same time.
Listening comprehension - because you obviously have to understand what the other participants are saying - and oral production:
“Tu fais d’une pierre deux coups”
You talk about your opinion on diverse subjects.
You have a voice. We need to hear in French.
The best place to meet francophiles is in a group.
A group conversational group is the best place to meet francophiles like you who understand your struggles but also share the same interests and the love for the language. If any of these 6 reasons reasonate with you, all you need is a safe zone to practice.I'm currently offering my Intermediate Conversational Group Course and one of the key element of this program is the safe-place for you to improve and share with other learners your beautiful voice.