Buying Gifts For Friends


Shreni and Aurelie are planning to get a gift for their friend Julie. Listen in as they talk about the kind of gift to get and where to get it. They will also be sharing details on when they plan to give Julie the gift.


  1. Pour quelle occasion Aurélie et Shreni veulent acheter un cadeau pour Julie?

  2. Quel jour et à quelle heure est la fête?

  3. Combien coûtent les places de concert pour trois personnes?

  4. Que vont finalement acheter Aurélie et Shreni? Et dans quels magasins?

  5. Qu’est-ce que les filles vont apporter à la fête?

  6. À quelle heure Shreni va récupérer Aurélie?

Aurélie D.

Bonjour! It’s me Aurlie! I’m a French teacher from France and I’ve been teaching French for over 5 years online and offline.

Talking About A Crush


Going Retail Shopping