The French Formula

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How To Talk About The Future

My amazing cousin Manon came to visit me here in the United States to improve her English, as a part of her growth and personal development. She stayed for 3 months and we had many conversations. One of the many conversations we had was about her plans for the future, especially after her experience in the USA. This made an excellent opportunity for a podcast!


To understand when is someone talking about his/her plans. To also be able to talk about your own future plans. Read the questions below and then listen to the conversation. After, let’s talk about it in the comments


  1. Que va faire Manon en rentrant à Grenoble, après son séjour aux Etats-Unis?

  2. Combien de temps restera-t-elle en Espagne ?

  3. Que va-t-elle faire pendant son année de césure ?

  4. Comment décrit-elle une entreprise éco-responsable ?

  5. Que souhaiterait-elle faire lors de sa dernière année d’étude et pourquoi ?

  6. Dans quel type d’entreprise souhaiterait-elle intégrer à la fin de ses études ?

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How To Talk About Future Plans The French Formula