Grow Into The Language
with Alex Barron
The process of learning a language is not just about learning the language alone.
Deeper learning comes with the knowledge of the country, the culture, and the people.
Most importantly, as you grow into a language, you will learn even more about yourself.
In this episode, French Coach Alex Barron talks about growing into the French language.
He shares some of his experiences of making sacrifices and pushing himself to go deeper into the language.
First part in French to practice your listening comprehension from 1:56 to 13:50 min
Second part in English to get the key message from 13:50 to the end
French Formula Podcast EP26 - Grow into the language with Alex Barron
Key takeaways from the episode:
To grow into a language means learning a lot about yourself as you go through the process of learning to speak a language.
You have to overcome so many barriers with your ego to allow yourself to sound like a child or speak in broken French a lot of time.
It's impossible to learn a language to an advanced level without developing humility and empathy.
Through the language, you will use resources that allow you to go into deeper topics.
People make sacrifices on their journey to learning a language.
Be careful to have the balance between being yourself and pushing yourself to make the most of your opportunities to speak.
French is going to be difficult some days and some days you'll feel that you've spoken well. Just be prepared and enjoy every conversation.
Today’s Guest
Alex Barron is a French coach from the UK specializing in breaking down the psychological barriers English speakers face when learning the French language.
He shares in this episode his journey with the French language, 7 years after choosing the South of France as home.
He is happy now to say that he is fluent and he has grown his confidence.
He compares his progress in French to an iceberg and even to Life.
Reality: learning French is definitely not linear.
The moments of pain and struggle, while learning French, are worth the moment of pure joy.
His Motto : This is possible!
He is the example of this motto and he uses in own story of learning French to encourage other French learners.
Connect and learn more about Alex Barron here:
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