French Life During the Lockdown in 1 word
The Corona Virus (COVID-19) has been and still is a very strange experience — globally. So, before starting, I would like to ask you:
“Comment vas-tu? Comment te sens-tu?”
This pandemic has shaken all of us in so many ways and I truly hope that you are safe and healthy wherever you are in the World and what you are going through.
As you may or may not know, France has been slowly opening back up since last Monday, le 11 Mai 2020, after 2 months of lockdown. I have asked some French people to tell me one word that illustrates their experience.
Un seul mot
Facile? Pas vraiment…
It's actually not easy to chose one word to describe such a tragic situation, so I gave them time to think about it. I also wanted to know how they have coped with the situation. It is of course, maybe far from everyone's reality but it may give a certain perspective and comparison to your way of seeing the lockdown.
As many of us are at home — It is obviously l’opportunité de travailler ton français 😉
After watching the video, write down all the words that you have been able to catch (don’t worry about the spelling). Then in the comment section below, write ton mot en français that illustrates your experience.
J’ai hâte de lire tes réponses. I can’t wait to read your answers.
À très bientôt et surtout prends soin de toi