The secret To Learning French While Running

As a French teacher, I always try to inspire my students to move forward with their french education, but it isn't a one-way street. My students also inspire me. For example, a student of mine revealed to me that she had participated in a marathon and inspired me to also go back into running. Currently, she has been running 90 days straight even if it is only 1-mile per day.

Thanks to her inspiration, I have started running again. Now, I don't run every day but I at least run as much as possible even if it's just for 20 minutes. I wanted to share this with you because I would like to inspire you to learn French a little at a time but in a consistent way. So I decided to make a quick on-the-go video with new vocabulary around this topic.

Don't forget to download the worksheet that goes with the video. The worksheet contains a summarized set of vocabulary, expressions, and writing exercises for you to polish your writing skills. I also share another secret to learning French while running beside consistency.

Runner or not, you will be practicing your French today, because improvement is a daily workout.

It never gets easier, you just get better
— Nike Running App Trainer

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Aurélie D.

Bonjour! It’s me Aurlie! I’m a French teacher from France and I’ve been teaching French for over 5 years online and offline.

Looks Can Be Deceiving


French Life During the Lockdown in 1 word